LESSON #1: GEORGE DOES NOT LIKE DARK COLORS. -- When working around the bees, always try to wear a white shirt or light colors. Dark colors irritate bees, and they are more likely to sting dark clothing.
LESSON #2: TRY TO KEEP HANDS FROM GETTING STUNG AT ALL COSTS! -- Benny's right hand was injured back in the fall of 2010. He keeps aggrivating it, and it still hasn't healed. We decided to use two of his intentional stings last week to see if the bee venom would help in case he had developed arthritis. It swelled to almost twice the size of his other hand, and got so tight he couldn't bend his fingers. That's when he called calfrope and decided to get it elevated. It took a good three days for the
LESSON #3: GEORGE DOES NOT LIKE FRAGRANCES, SCENTS, OR BRAGGERTS!! -- Benny was bragging to his parents how gentle our bees are. He mowed around the hive, and they continued with business as usual. They seemed pretty normal as they approached Sunday morning before church. But a whiff of deodorant or cologne blew through the hive, and a ball of bees came out the front swarming. Benny got stung on his leg, but no one else was hurt. Bees do not like to "smell good."
LESSON #5: GEORGE HAS A TEMPER!! -- After giving the hive all day to calm down, Benny went out to check the new level for signs of adapting to the third story he added last week. The bees were not out and about. Against gut feelings, Benny decided to press on. As soon as he got the ceiling off the top and started smoking the bees, it started to sprinkle...then rain. And George went from allowing to agitated, and he was furious! Benny got stung twice on his left hand before he could get the frames back in and shut up the hive. Needless to say, Benny's got stung three times on Sunday. And his little hand looks like the hospital balloons we blow up to throw at each other. So this week, he's had to deal with both hands swelling to twice their size, and wondering if they might pop!
Well, tomorrow we start our big adventure with Red Wattle hogs. Benny and the boys are going to East Texas to pick the gals up! Better get some rest before the next great adventure!
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