Sunday, July 25, 2010



A tumor surgery (on my mom),

2 VBSes,

4 sleepovers,

a broken laptop,

a bad sunburn,

and ALMOST having two fewer children (due to fighting) later...

I blog again!

A week or so ago, Benny found a queen cell on the hive. He knocked it off. I have included a picture. It is truly cool! God is amazing! He created so much more than we can imagine!! His wonders never cease to amaze me! But I guess Benny missed another queen cell. George decided the hive was too small to accomodate all of the bees. Benny went to check them the other day, and they had swarmed...onto the peach tree. Ben got his bee vaccuum and sucked them up. He put them back in the hive, but they stayed on the entrance in a ball. Later, they were back at the peach tree. We won't know if our tenants checked out, or went back to the hive that time. Benny will check it next week, and we'll find out then.

I went out to the pigpen with the boys today, and the pigs are GINORMOUS!! The term "eating like a pig" must have been coined by a pig farmer. They lay in the trough to keep the other's from eating, and I guess that makes it "dine-in." We let the pigs out in the pasture today. The weeds are so tall, we can just see the weeds moving. Noah's pig is the most venturous. It's been shocked several times, and now I know where "squealing like a pig" came from! When she gets shocked, she just runs full speed ahead until she runs into something. Our little Pippin thinks she's a pig now. Poor Pippin! She'll never realize she's a barbado!

Xavier followed the pigs into the goat barn, and discovered our game rooster having trouble breathing. We don't know if he was choking on something, or if he'd been sick before. One thing I did know is that I refuse to try CPR on a bird!! Things turned bad for him in a hurry. After a minute or so, Xavier had to put him out of his misery. Xavier stepped on his head and pulled his body to break it's neck. Took three times. I don't know who I felt the most sorry for... Xave or the rooster.

In the meantime, Noah mounted the llama. Kusko was determined not to move. Noah was able to sit on him for about 10 minutes, and got a small ride. But nothing major.

Oh yeah...remember those pigs grazing? I didn't remember them. They ended up out in the pasture with the barbadoes, and we had to have a pig rodeo!! By the time we were through killing the rooster, riding the llama, and chasing the pigs all over, we were all tuckered out! What a day! And all after Benny went in to the station at 4:00! Things always happen when he's gone! Imagine that!

Benny said there are only 2 women in this world who will do some of the things we do, or did. One gave him life, and the other's his wife! The kids are fighting, and my bubble bath calls! Calgon take me away!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010


MY! MY! What a week!! Our farm has been thrown into utter confusion! Last time I wrote, we were waiting on three sows to arrive. Benny and the boys left at 7:00 a.m. last Tuesday morning, and got home about midnight. They drove all day long, and were tuckered out when they got in. Let me give you an update for the last few days...

* Got the "Girls" adjusted to their new home

* Benny's worked 48 hours overtime

* I lost the diamond in my wedding ring (no clue when or where)

* Had sleepover at our house with 8 kiddos

* Came home and Henny Penny was on our sidewalk with a broken neck

* Had to give Bounce (our boxer) away; she was the reason for the broken neck above

* Popped firecrackers with Grandma & Papa

* Took Champ (poodle) to Chris (vet), and his kneecap pops in and out of place; common for small purebred dogs

* Benny refused to talk to George, and now they're giving him the silent treatment, go figure!

* Got eyeliner tatooed

* All three kids got their brown belts in karate


The pigs we got are called "Red Waddles." There aren't many in the U.S., so they're somewhat rare. Benny's pig is named "Porkchop." She's the smallest of the three. Xavier's pig is named "Gabby." She's the talker of the bunch. She yells and squeals, but strangest of all, she squeaks. Sounds like a squeaky toy when she's happy. Last but not least, Noah's pig is "Sowly." (Pun intended!) All seem healthy and happy. Sowly is the fattest, Gabby is the loudest, and Porkchop seems like the leader. The others follow her.

I think Benny's in love. He called the other morning, and first thing asked how his pig did in the storm we had the night before. The kids and I were still in bed when he called, so I wasn't completely awake. I ask Benny each day what I can do to make his day better. He wanted me to wake one of the kids up to check on his pig. What's up with that?!?!?! He's found a new love, and truly, I'm not worried. She looks, smells, and screams like a pig. This crush better pass!!

We have a great pyranese named Milkshake. She is a wonderful dog (now), and is already taking care of them. Porkchop got out Saturday, and Milkshake was trying to herd her back into the pen. Between me and the 8 kiddos, we got the wire fixed, and we've had no more escapees. All are present and accounted for.

I've been in the field all day, and tonight I'm pretty tired. I have a rheumy appointment in the morning, gotta leave here at 6:30 a.m., so I'm going to sign off. Sweet dreams!!

P.S. Included a picture of a web. Everytime I see one out at the pen, I think of Charlotte's web! It's even got a picture of Wilbur in the background!!